James Lawson

Budget Boot Camp

Presented by Sherrell T. Martin, Merchant Funding Financial Solutions

Are you tired of expenses just “popping up” to be paid?

Are you frustrated because no matter how much you plan the amount of money in your account is never enough?

Could you use expert advice on how to properly plan, prepare, and prosper in a quick and simple way?

This workshop is designed for the business owner who need funding online and desires to consistently grow their business but does not have a plan or structure in place. Their business is at a stagnant stage and they realize that financial structure is necessary for continued growth. They are looking for a clear, concise, and simple way to create a profitable budget plan for their business.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • Why budgeting is so important
  • How to create a budget that will consistently grow your bottom line in 3 simple steps
  • How to effectively adjust your budget during the year so that you keep more money in your business
  • How to understand your Profit & Loss statement and the secrets it tells you about your business
  • How to identify ways to save on expenses

We are going to build your budget for the remainder of the year so that you start tracking towards your goal and see results right away.